diumenge, 2 de novembre del 2008


Gràcies a l'anònim que m'ha enviat l'enllaç. M'ha encantat la cançó i el vídeo, així que va per ell. No vos perdeu mai, i si no, algú ja vos deixarà un mapa. Jo supòs que també he estat perdut, o no m'he sabut trobar, però pensa que TU ets el nord, ets la teva pròpia brúixola, el teu calcetí.

Just because I'm losing
Doesn't mean I'm lost
Doesn't mean I'll stop
Doesn't mean I would cross

Just because I'm hurting
Doesn't mean I'm hurt
Doesn't mean I didn't get
What I deserved
No better and no worse

I just got lost
Every river that I tried to cross
Every door I ever tried was locked
Ohhh and I'm...
Just waiting 'til the shine wears off

You might be a big fish
In a little pond
Doesn't mean you've won
'Cause along may come
A bigger one

And you'll be lost
Every river that you tried to cross
Every gun you ever held went off
Ohhh and I'm...
Just waiting until the firing stopped
Ohhh and I'm...
Just waiting 'til the shine wears off

Ohhh and I'm...
Just waiting 'til the shine wears off
Ohhh and I'm...
Just waiting 'til the shine wears off

1 comentari:

Anònim ha dit...

Gràcies a tu. M'encanta sa cançó i vaig pensar que a tu també t'agradaria. A més, es vídeo anava clavat!
No sóc massa bona amb els mapes, però sempre hi ha alguna manera de tornar-se a trobar.